domingo, 25 de março de 2007
O que é a Negociação
A Negociação pode ser considerada como um processo de decisão pelo qual os intervenientes estabelecem, ou pretendem estabelecer, um acordo por oposição a uma forma de acção unilateral.
sábado, 24 de março de 2007
Technical Division of (the Technical Salame)
Often called the technique of the salami, this analogy is the fact that it is easier to eat salami when it is cut into small portions. This technique consists in fragmenting the negotiations point by point, without globalize the partial results. Through a series of commitments in parallel, to the opposing party tends to make more concessions, particularly if they are submitted to the few, leading to the same or better end result. An offensive strategy this technique allows the negotiator demarcate the strengths, ordering, then the sequence of their actions. This technique can be incorporated into different strategies and can also uncover weaknesses in the opposing party. The method also works for a defensive strategy, especially if the party has some strength and some time. The resistance, point by point, leads to wear of the opposing party. Compete, while a selective output resulting from a limited, although the overall position is actually affected.
Interpersonal Communication (cont'd)
Each person is unique and has a different personality. Their uniqueness and history have their own reactions. In his training, was marked by realities, culture, values and different groups, family environment, school, work environment, open-minded, culture, etc ...
Functions and dysfunctions of the conflict
The existence of a conflict can not be conceived only by the negative side. Indeed, the management of conflict is usually retain only, and usually harmful effects to the extent of synergies involving waste or because often block the discovery of solutions.
Nevertheless, it removed both the positive aspects, since to some extent their effects can be beneficial if studied in a large, functioning as catalysts in pursuit of goals and delivering results.
"The coward never tries, the loser ends and the winner never quits." (Norman Vincent Peale)
Distribution of earnings
Hardly be earned in equal proportion to all parties, but this may be acceptable provided that all parties win. Even when one party is stronger, the other party will be satisfied if it can win something, even if little.
Tactics of the pot, also known as the tactics bode
There was a wise man who lived in a small town. The time given an unfortunate woman decided to go to him to ask for advice. She lived in a small house, where hardly fit the husband and two children. Turns out the parents of her husband were in a difficult situation, not where most live. As well, she left that they could switch to the house that is already crowded. It did not take long for the situation was complicated. "What should I do?", She said to the wise. He smoothed by beard, thought a little and asked, "You have a goat?". "Yes," she said, "but what that has to do with my problem?". "I know what to do - take the goat in the house for a week and then return here." She reluctantly followed the advice, but he was a wise man ... After a week things got worse. Each time the goat is turned, the six residents had to relocate. It was impossible to sleep. The lady in tears, decided to return to the wise. "I'm much worse than before" she said and told you the whole story.
He once again flatten the beard, he thought a little and asked, "You have chicken?". "Yes," she said, "but what that has to do with my problem?". "I know what to do - take the chickens in the house also for a week and then return here." More skeptical than ever, she again followed the advice of the wise. After a week, hysterical, she returned. "You are crazy," she said. "His advice not worth anything. Now it is impossible to live in my home. The goat turns around, the chickens fly, guests cough, children find feathers in the soup and I angry me every day with my husband. It's all fault his. " The wise man calmly smoothing his beard, a little more thought and said: "Dear lady, try something else when you return home. Remove the hens. Return here in a week." "This crazy man," he thought. But through the questions, decided to follow the board for the last time. After a week she returned. "How are you feeling, ma'am?" he asked. "This is ridiculous, but I feel a little better now that the chickens are outside the hut." He heard the comment and said: "I have the ultimate solution to your problem. Take the goat." You took the goat and lived happily ever after with her husband, children and in-laws. "
It is thus experienced negotiators who can take advantage in their businesses. They create artificial difficulties (the goat) and is slowly removing one by one, giving the impression that is making a painful concession. Try using this technique will be surprised with the results.
High and low
All the negotiation process is marked by ups and downs, and rarely takes place in an atmosphere of tranquility, but it is essential that there be flexibility of the parties to adjust the positions will come from, terms and conditions.
Overcoming the negotiator
There are no easy business that want to benefit. Every negotiation requires a continuous always overcome difficulties, the face of new challenges before unthinkable, almost exhausted by the forces and hopes.
We always negotiate
There is not the slightest doubt that trade is one of the most important skills for successful professional and personal any person. Negotiation is the process of achieving goals through an agreement in situations where there are individual and common interests. The question is how to do it with maximum effectiveness.
Skill and technique
Negotiate solutions is harmonic for the interests of all parties involved in the process, requiring skill and technique to prevent the wrong culture to exist "a winner, and turn one or more losers."
Negotiation and the similarities with the Chess
Trading has many similarities with a game of chess. Both need to know the other "player", plan every action with care, using strategies and tactics for better positions and often, give other items to win in return. The big difference is that in an ideal negotiation, the parties to end the game also victorious.
We could say that NEGOTIATION is a process where separate parts to seek acceptance of their ideas, interests or purposes, with the common goal of reaching a consensual outcome that meets the expectations of both.
Strategies and tactics
-Start by negotiating and seeking information. Leave beyond the judgments, opinions and values.
-Do the written planning.
Trace-a profile in advance of the other negotiator. -Put yourself in the place of the other negotiator.
-Never forget that a business is only good when both parties stand to gain from this.
-Avoid questions whose answers are "yes" or "no."
-Inspire confidence in the other negotiator.
Avoid for-placement or radical.
-Do not press the other negotiator. Remember Newton's third law of "every action is a reaction in the opposite direction and with the same intensity."
-Be always prepared for a situation of conflict.
-Remember that everyone has styles, different needs and motivations.
-See the positive aspects of the other negotiator.
-Develop counter-arguments previously.
Was not intimidated to-end offerings.
-Negotiate always thinking about tomorrow.
Some useful phrases for a negotiation
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I recognize what you have done for me. But the problem is ...
My concern is the fair use criteria.
I would not do this based on personal interest or power, but on principles.
What is the principle behind your action?
Let me see if I understand what you are saying Mr.
Let me show you where I find it difficult to follow his reasoning.
The persuasion
The subtle persuasion mean imposing our will on others, making it a priority over the object and rendering another person to our way of thinking. An experienced negotiator USA, so constructive techniques of persuasion and subtle seeking the needs of both parties.
Making a flexible approach
Like many other areas of our life business, negotiation is a continuous and dynamic, not a static system. At any time, each party has to reconsider their positions in light of actions taken by the other.
Every day negotiating something
We can see more clearly when the trading order in our day to day because it act as negotiators, both the family and friends, as in the work.
The Manipulation
The manipulation involves the use of various practices for operating the other party, leading it to do anything you want, preferably without being aware of what is happening. There is something manipulative in all negotiators.
There are many positive ways of handling, for example efforts to calm those "boil in little water, to provide a reconciliation or to resolve a conflict, can be considered manipulation.
The negative forms of manipulation to be used by negotiators who believe only in their interests.
Interpersonal communication
Communicate very well is not only speak with clarity, fluency and grammatical correctness. First of all, is to communicate to an interested and sympathetic attitude towards the other. It is the relationship that determines the quality of communication and efficiency not only to talk.
The parable of the loaves
Two merchants had finished conducting their sales and were returning to their city. One was an efficient and effective negotiator who always sought the maximum possible for you, but always with justice. The minor road that existed before their city was in a desert. In the middle of the road found a sultan who had been assaulted and was hungry. Once the logo was spotted saying: "You have something I can eat in gold I will repay all that I provide." One merchant said: "I got me five loaves, but I need to eat less of them until you reach the next town." Another adding: "I have only three, but can also distribute them." "Good, said the millionaire, when we come to town give eight pieces of gold in exchange for bread." So were going until they finally reached their destination. Once we arrived there the two were rewarded. By providing three loaves were given three pieces of gold, the other five.
In his view, the division was fair?
Well, who entered with five loaves, the efficient and fair negotiator, did not agree. "The division is not correct. I am entitled to seven coins and my traveling companion to one," he said. Neither the sultan nor the other merchant understood the logic of the new division. They demanded an explanation, because if one entered with five loaves and the other three were right that this was the number of coins to each one. The new division proposal at first glance seem a nonsense. Calmly explained to the first merchant sheikh and the other traveler. "While going in the desert, each time you wanted to eat the bread shared in three parts. Destinávamos then one to each of us. Well, my companion who had three loaves to divide them actually contributed with nine pieces. I I was in possession of five, contributed fifteen. The nine bits supplied by our partner, which provided more than fifteen twenty-four pieces total. Like when one of us ate a piece of bread, all the others also consumed in really touched to each, one third of the twenty-four pieces or eight pieces of bread. Well, our traveling companion who entered with three loaves, or nine pieces and eat eight, in fact only contributed a piece to the consumption the sheikh. that I had five loaves or fifteen pieces also consume eight. So, in reality, providing seven to satisfy the hunger of the Sultan. It is fair, therefore, that the coins are divided in this way, or play with me seven coins and my traveling companion one. " Fascinated the Sultan gave the seven coins in math. As a traveler does not frustrate the other to let you stay with the three he originally intended.
Intelligence as a decisive weapon
Trading today is a struggle of life and death and the most powerful weapon in the battlefield is the intelligence of the negotiator, the ability to choose and effectively use the best strategies, tactics and techniques, from planning to closing the deal.
Interdependence and mutual adjustment
In the negotiation process all or both parties, mutually dependent on one another. The greater the information previously gained on the behavior and goals of the entities involved, the greater the ability to adapt to events in the process of negotiation. The interdependence between the different parties, have as their point of departure the interests they have in common, each of which has the ability to exercise a certain influence on the other, operating at every moment of trading, changes in operating during the process.
Conflict in negotiation
A potential consequence of interdependence is because despite the conflict of parties working on the same goal of each individual can seek to achieve different results, sometimes conflicting, based on different ideas and different interests.
Points universal to all types of negotiations
Negotiation is the existence of two parties (bilateral negotiations) or more persons or entities, The demand of trading occurs when the rises / a conflict of interest between several persons or entities, There is no negotiation is a perspective / expectation of influence of each party on the other, At any given time, the preference for negotiations over the establishment of a dispute that generates hostility and resistance to resolution of problems, Each party presents itself in the negotiations with perspective that will give something in hopes of receiving a benefit of equal or greater interest to you, The elements of tangible and intangible, in the course of negotiations, requires the establishment of an equation and a careful analysis as to their degree of importance.
What is Negotiation
The negotiation can be considered as a decision-making process by which actors establish, or intend to establish an agreement as opposed to a form of unilateral action.
Assertive Behavior
Thousands of people have discovered that becoming assertive is a process of continuous learning and possible. Like most changes, the path of self-assertion may cause adverse reactions initially by the people who surround him. The road is small place with assertions that are able to pay and then continue with the more difficult. We know that all change present a cost, but the intrinsic motivation due to assertive behavior causes a feeling of self-esteem gradually highly rewarding. The apparent social reinforcement we received when we are kind and polite is being replaced by the feeling of self-esteem, self-respect and consolidating change.
Why negotiate?
The need to negotiate and there is always when in a given situation, the conveniences of several entities clash in that each seeks to meet the individual needs / own, and in this case, conflict with the actions of another or more parties.
The negotiation always
There millennia man uses trading as a way to reach agreements which, almost always, a peaceful coexistence. But the trade negotiations that are more rooted in human behavior, and through them that settled the first business and first trades. And all of them depend on the world economy today.
Interpersonal Communication (cont'd)
During the discussion, each individual act according to their experience, knowledge and perspective, when you want your point of view prevails, argue to convince his interlocutor.
Learn to Negotiate
A negotiation can be considered good when both parties stand to gain from this. There is a basic model of negotiation, but a set of skills and techniques that make it a good negotiator.
And remember:
-The most important is that you master the characteristics of what is being negotiated.
-Have knowledge of interpersonal and negotiators identify their strengths and weaknesses also help in time of negotiation.
Stages of a negotiation:
The negotiation requires some steps that must be followed and observed. We must consider the steps as something rigid. In some cases, you can remove one or the other. It is important to remember that they help us to systematize the process of negotiation. They are:
-Preparation: establishing objectives to be achieved and will achieve that reality. To do this we must reflect on the behavior of the other negotiator.
-First: create a climate of openness, reducing the tension. Clarify the expected benefits of working together.
-Exploration: be objective. Establish a psychological reciprocity, where people tend to treat others the same way you are treated.
-Presentation: must be placed clearly the objectives and initial expectations of both parties.
-Clarification: we should consider the objections as opportunities to clarify further the goal. Assume a posture of most attentive listener.
-Final Action: it is here that the closure of the business. If the previous steps have been well developed, this step is facilitated. Do not forget to offer options of choice for the other negotiator.
-Controle/Avaliação: Is when, already completed the negotiation and away from the other negotiator, there is the balance of trading, its positive and negative. Reflect on what happened is good not to commit the same mistakes in future. Few managers assess the negotiations, why not consider the possibility of re-negotiating with the same person.
Often called the technique of the salami, this analogy is the fact that it is easier to eat salami when it is cut into small portions. This technique consists in fragmenting the negotiations point by point, without globalize the partial results. Through a series of commitments in parallel, to the opposing party tends to make more concessions, particularly if they are submitted to the few, leading to the same or better end result. An offensive strategy this technique allows the negotiator demarcate the strengths, ordering, then the sequence of their actions. This technique can be incorporated into different strategies and can also uncover weaknesses in the opposing party. The method also works for a defensive strategy, especially if the party has some strength and some time. The resistance, point by point, leads to wear of the opposing party. Compete, while a selective output resulting from a limited, although the overall position is actually affected.
Interpersonal Communication (cont'd)
Each person is unique and has a different personality. Their uniqueness and history have their own reactions. In his training, was marked by realities, culture, values and different groups, family environment, school, work environment, open-minded, culture, etc ...
Functions and dysfunctions of the conflict
The existence of a conflict can not be conceived only by the negative side. Indeed, the management of conflict is usually retain only, and usually harmful effects to the extent of synergies involving waste or because often block the discovery of solutions.
Nevertheless, it removed both the positive aspects, since to some extent their effects can be beneficial if studied in a large, functioning as catalysts in pursuit of goals and delivering results.
"The coward never tries, the loser ends and the winner never quits." (Norman Vincent Peale)
Distribution of earnings
Hardly be earned in equal proportion to all parties, but this may be acceptable provided that all parties win. Even when one party is stronger, the other party will be satisfied if it can win something, even if little.
Tactics of the pot, also known as the tactics bode
There was a wise man who lived in a small town. The time given an unfortunate woman decided to go to him to ask for advice. She lived in a small house, where hardly fit the husband and two children. Turns out the parents of her husband were in a difficult situation, not where most live. As well, she left that they could switch to the house that is already crowded. It did not take long for the situation was complicated. "What should I do?", She said to the wise. He smoothed by beard, thought a little and asked, "You have a goat?". "Yes," she said, "but what that has to do with my problem?". "I know what to do - take the goat in the house for a week and then return here." She reluctantly followed the advice, but he was a wise man ... After a week things got worse. Each time the goat is turned, the six residents had to relocate. It was impossible to sleep. The lady in tears, decided to return to the wise. "I'm much worse than before" she said and told you the whole story.
He once again flatten the beard, he thought a little and asked, "You have chicken?". "Yes," she said, "but what that has to do with my problem?". "I know what to do - take the chickens in the house also for a week and then return here." More skeptical than ever, she again followed the advice of the wise. After a week, hysterical, she returned. "You are crazy," she said. "His advice not worth anything. Now it is impossible to live in my home. The goat turns around, the chickens fly, guests cough, children find feathers in the soup and I angry me every day with my husband. It's all fault his. " The wise man calmly smoothing his beard, a little more thought and said: "Dear lady, try something else when you return home. Remove the hens. Return here in a week." "This crazy man," he thought. But through the questions, decided to follow the board for the last time. After a week she returned. "How are you feeling, ma'am?" he asked. "This is ridiculous, but I feel a little better now that the chickens are outside the hut." He heard the comment and said: "I have the ultimate solution to your problem. Take the goat." You took the goat and lived happily ever after with her husband, children and in-laws. "
It is thus experienced negotiators who can take advantage in their businesses. They create artificial difficulties (the goat) and is slowly removing one by one, giving the impression that is making a painful concession. Try using this technique will be surprised with the results.
High and low
All the negotiation process is marked by ups and downs, and rarely takes place in an atmosphere of tranquility, but it is essential that there be flexibility of the parties to adjust the positions will come from, terms and conditions.
Overcoming the negotiator
There are no easy business that want to benefit. Every negotiation requires a continuous always overcome difficulties, the face of new challenges before unthinkable, almost exhausted by the forces and hopes.
We always negotiate
There is not the slightest doubt that trade is one of the most important skills for successful professional and personal any person. Negotiation is the process of achieving goals through an agreement in situations where there are individual and common interests. The question is how to do it with maximum effectiveness.
Skill and technique
Negotiate solutions is harmonic for the interests of all parties involved in the process, requiring skill and technique to prevent the wrong culture to exist "a winner, and turn one or more losers."
Negotiation and the similarities with the Chess
Trading has many similarities with a game of chess. Both need to know the other "player", plan every action with care, using strategies and tactics for better positions and often, give other items to win in return. The big difference is that in an ideal negotiation, the parties to end the game also victorious.
We could say that NEGOTIATION is a process where separate parts to seek acceptance of their ideas, interests or purposes, with the common goal of reaching a consensual outcome that meets the expectations of both.
Strategies and tactics
-Start by negotiating and seeking information. Leave beyond the judgments, opinions and values.
-Do the written planning.
Trace-a profile in advance of the other negotiator. -Put yourself in the place of the other negotiator.
-Never forget that a business is only good when both parties stand to gain from this.
-Avoid questions whose answers are "yes" or "no."
-Inspire confidence in the other negotiator.
Avoid for-placement or radical.
-Do not press the other negotiator. Remember Newton's third law of "every action is a reaction in the opposite direction and with the same intensity."
-Be always prepared for a situation of conflict.
-Remember that everyone has styles, different needs and motivations.
-See the positive aspects of the other negotiator.
-Develop counter-arguments previously.
Was not intimidated to-end offerings.
-Negotiate always thinking about tomorrow.
Some useful phrases for a negotiation
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I recognize what you have done for me. But the problem is ...
My concern is the fair use criteria.
I would not do this based on personal interest or power, but on principles.
What is the principle behind your action?
Let me see if I understand what you are saying Mr.
Let me show you where I find it difficult to follow his reasoning.
The persuasion
The subtle persuasion mean imposing our will on others, making it a priority over the object and rendering another person to our way of thinking. An experienced negotiator USA, so constructive techniques of persuasion and subtle seeking the needs of both parties.
Making a flexible approach
Like many other areas of our life business, negotiation is a continuous and dynamic, not a static system. At any time, each party has to reconsider their positions in light of actions taken by the other.
Every day negotiating something
We can see more clearly when the trading order in our day to day because it act as negotiators, both the family and friends, as in the work.
The Manipulation
The manipulation involves the use of various practices for operating the other party, leading it to do anything you want, preferably without being aware of what is happening. There is something manipulative in all negotiators.
There are many positive ways of handling, for example efforts to calm those "boil in little water, to provide a reconciliation or to resolve a conflict, can be considered manipulation.
The negative forms of manipulation to be used by negotiators who believe only in their interests.
Interpersonal communication
Communicate very well is not only speak with clarity, fluency and grammatical correctness. First of all, is to communicate to an interested and sympathetic attitude towards the other. It is the relationship that determines the quality of communication and efficiency not only to talk.
The parable of the loaves
Two merchants had finished conducting their sales and were returning to their city. One was an efficient and effective negotiator who always sought the maximum possible for you, but always with justice. The minor road that existed before their city was in a desert. In the middle of the road found a sultan who had been assaulted and was hungry. Once the logo was spotted saying: "You have something I can eat in gold I will repay all that I provide." One merchant said: "I got me five loaves, but I need to eat less of them until you reach the next town." Another adding: "I have only three, but can also distribute them." "Good, said the millionaire, when we come to town give eight pieces of gold in exchange for bread." So were going until they finally reached their destination. Once we arrived there the two were rewarded. By providing three loaves were given three pieces of gold, the other five.
In his view, the division was fair?
Well, who entered with five loaves, the efficient and fair negotiator, did not agree. "The division is not correct. I am entitled to seven coins and my traveling companion to one," he said. Neither the sultan nor the other merchant understood the logic of the new division. They demanded an explanation, because if one entered with five loaves and the other three were right that this was the number of coins to each one. The new division proposal at first glance seem a nonsense. Calmly explained to the first merchant sheikh and the other traveler. "While going in the desert, each time you wanted to eat the bread shared in three parts. Destinávamos then one to each of us. Well, my companion who had three loaves to divide them actually contributed with nine pieces. I I was in possession of five, contributed fifteen. The nine bits supplied by our partner, which provided more than fifteen twenty-four pieces total. Like when one of us ate a piece of bread, all the others also consumed in really touched to each, one third of the twenty-four pieces or eight pieces of bread. Well, our traveling companion who entered with three loaves, or nine pieces and eat eight, in fact only contributed a piece to the consumption the sheikh. that I had five loaves or fifteen pieces also consume eight. So, in reality, providing seven to satisfy the hunger of the Sultan. It is fair, therefore, that the coins are divided in this way, or play with me seven coins and my traveling companion one. " Fascinated the Sultan gave the seven coins in math. As a traveler does not frustrate the other to let you stay with the three he originally intended.
Intelligence as a decisive weapon
Trading today is a struggle of life and death and the most powerful weapon in the battlefield is the intelligence of the negotiator, the ability to choose and effectively use the best strategies, tactics and techniques, from planning to closing the deal.
Interdependence and mutual adjustment
In the negotiation process all or both parties, mutually dependent on one another. The greater the information previously gained on the behavior and goals of the entities involved, the greater the ability to adapt to events in the process of negotiation. The interdependence between the different parties, have as their point of departure the interests they have in common, each of which has the ability to exercise a certain influence on the other, operating at every moment of trading, changes in operating during the process.
Conflict in negotiation
A potential consequence of interdependence is because despite the conflict of parties working on the same goal of each individual can seek to achieve different results, sometimes conflicting, based on different ideas and different interests.
Points universal to all types of negotiations
Negotiation is the existence of two parties (bilateral negotiations) or more persons or entities, The demand of trading occurs when the rises / a conflict of interest between several persons or entities, There is no negotiation is a perspective / expectation of influence of each party on the other, At any given time, the preference for negotiations over the establishment of a dispute that generates hostility and resistance to resolution of problems, Each party presents itself in the negotiations with perspective that will give something in hopes of receiving a benefit of equal or greater interest to you, The elements of tangible and intangible, in the course of negotiations, requires the establishment of an equation and a careful analysis as to their degree of importance.
What is Negotiation
The negotiation can be considered as a decision-making process by which actors establish, or intend to establish an agreement as opposed to a form of unilateral action.
Assertive Behavior
Thousands of people have discovered that becoming assertive is a process of continuous learning and possible. Like most changes, the path of self-assertion may cause adverse reactions initially by the people who surround him. The road is small place with assertions that are able to pay and then continue with the more difficult. We know that all change present a cost, but the intrinsic motivation due to assertive behavior causes a feeling of self-esteem gradually highly rewarding. The apparent social reinforcement we received when we are kind and polite is being replaced by the feeling of self-esteem, self-respect and consolidating change.
Why negotiate?
The need to negotiate and there is always when in a given situation, the conveniences of several entities clash in that each seeks to meet the individual needs / own, and in this case, conflict with the actions of another or more parties.
The negotiation always
There millennia man uses trading as a way to reach agreements which, almost always, a peaceful coexistence. But the trade negotiations that are more rooted in human behavior, and through them that settled the first business and first trades. And all of them depend on the world economy today.
Interpersonal Communication (cont'd)
During the discussion, each individual act according to their experience, knowledge and perspective, when you want your point of view prevails, argue to convince his interlocutor.
Learn to Negotiate
A negotiation can be considered good when both parties stand to gain from this. There is a basic model of negotiation, but a set of skills and techniques that make it a good negotiator.
And remember:
-The most important is that you master the characteristics of what is being negotiated.
-Have knowledge of interpersonal and negotiators identify their strengths and weaknesses also help in time of negotiation.
Stages of a negotiation:
The negotiation requires some steps that must be followed and observed. We must consider the steps as something rigid. In some cases, you can remove one or the other. It is important to remember that they help us to systematize the process of negotiation. They are:
-Preparation: establishing objectives to be achieved and will achieve that reality. To do this we must reflect on the behavior of the other negotiator.
-First: create a climate of openness, reducing the tension. Clarify the expected benefits of working together.
-Exploration: be objective. Establish a psychological reciprocity, where people tend to treat others the same way you are treated.
-Presentation: must be placed clearly the objectives and initial expectations of both parties.
-Clarification: we should consider the objections as opportunities to clarify further the goal. Assume a posture of most attentive listener.
-Final Action: it is here that the closure of the business. If the previous steps have been well developed, this step is facilitated. Do not forget to offer options of choice for the other negotiator.
-Controle/Avaliação: Is when, already completed the negotiation and away from the other negotiator, there is the balance of trading, its positive and negative. Reflect on what happened is good not to commit the same mistakes in future. Few managers assess the negotiations, why not consider the possibility of re-negotiating with the same person.
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